Literary Analysis Research Paper Topics For American Dreams Winters Dream And A Soldier'S Home
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Oral Contraceptives The History of Birth Control Pills
The birth control pill was introduced to the public in the early 1960s. are synthetic hormones that mimic the way real estrogen and progestin works in a womans body. The pill prevents ovulationâ€â€no new eggs are released by a woman who is on the pill because the pill tricks her body into believing she is already pregnant. Early Contraception Methods Ancient Egyptian women are credited with attempting the first form of birth control using a mixture of cotton, dates, acacia, and honey in the form of a suppository. They were somewhat successfulâ€â€later research shows that fermented acacia is actually a spermicide. Margaret Sanger Margaret Sanger was a lifelong advocate of womens rights and a champion of a womans right to control conception. She was the first to use the term â€Å"birth control,†opened the country’s first birth control clinic in Brooklyn, New York, and initiated the American Birth Control League, which would eventually lead to Planned Parenthood. It had been discovered in the 1930s that hormones prevented ovulation in rabbits. In 1950, Sanger underwrote the research necessary to create the first human birth control pill using these research findings. In her eighties at the time, she raised $150,000 for the project, including $40,000 from biologist Katherine McCormick, also a women’s rights activist and the beneficiary of a sizable inheritance. Then Sanger met endocrinologist Gregory Pincus at a dinner party. She convinced Pincus to begin work on a birth control bill in 1951. He tested progesterone on rats first, with marked success. But he wasn’t alone in his efforts to devise an oral contraceptive. A gynecologist named John Rock had already started testing chemicals as contraceptives, and Frank Colton, a chief chemist at Searle, was in the process of creating a synthetic progesterone at the time. Carl Djerassi, a Jewish chemist who fled Europe for the United States in 1930, created a pill from synthetic hormones derived from yams, but he didn’t have the funding to produce and distribute it. Clinical Trials By 1954, Pincusâ€â€working together with John Rockâ€â€was ready to test his contraceptive. He did so successfully in Massachusetts, then they moved on larger trials in Puerto Rico which were also highly successful. FDA Approval The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Pincus’ pill in 1957, but only to treat certain menstrual disorders, not as a contraceptive. Approval as a contraceptive was finally granted in 1960. By 1962, 1.2 million U.S. women were reportedly taking the pill and this figure doubled by 1963, increasing to 6.5 million by 1965. Not all states were on board with the drug, however. Despite the FDAs approval, eight states outlawed the pill and Pope Paul VI took a public stand against it. By the late 1960s, serious side effects were beginning to come to light. Ultimately, Pincus’ original formula was taken off the market in the late 1980s and replaced with a less potent version that decreased some of the known health risks.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
An Economic Event Intertwined With Credit Crunch - 951 Words
1.Introduction An economic event intertwined with credit crunch is the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis. In 2007, the subprime mortgage crisis dealt a huge economic blow to America and then had a great impact on the world economy. Although several actions, such as lowered the target for Federal funds rate and the discount rate, were taken, the crisis still had severe, long-lasting consequences, which makes the world economy still in a slow recovery so far. The credit crunch of 2007 was triggered by several factors. Analyzing the cause of credit crunch can help us reduce the probability of it and then prevent financial crisis in the future. This essay consists of three parts. At first, it will discuss some causes of the credit crunch of 2007.†¦show more content†¦****In the 1990s, shortage of financial capital and low-quality borrowers forced the banks to reduce the loan supply. The credit crunch of 2007 is more complicated than ever before. The first reason was that the acceleration of globalization involved more international investors, so the credit crunch had more global implications. And the other reason was that new ways of packaging and reselling assets had been introduced. Several factors should be taken into account when we trying to figure out what result in such a crisis. 2.2 The development of subprime mortgage market ****When discussing about the credit crunch of 2007, the United State subprime mortgage crisis is a good point to start with. The direct cause of this crisis was the bursting of the U.S. housing market bubble, but things can date back to about 2000. At the beginning of the 21st century, house prices in America started to experience an unprecedented rate of growth due to a low interest-rate environment. From 1997 - 2006, according to the Standard Poor’s / Case-Shiller national home-price index, the U.S. housing prices increased by 124%. There were a number of causes of this phenomena, such as the low Fed funds rate. Although other western countries also experienced the similar trends, for example, housing prices in the U.K. increased by 194%, while those
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Social Responsibilities of an IT Professional
Question: Discuss about theSocial Responsibilities of an IT Professional. Answer: Introduction One of the most important professional is the computing professional. This is such a profession which involves a large number of tasks. Therefore, they can be involved in the eye opener for the society. The discussion will focus on the social impact of IT Professional on Technology and the business and performance practices. Thus, the role of an IT professional in the industry will be analyzed in different prospects. IT Expert An IT/Expert works in such a manner that the IT Industry works in a positive manner and does good tasks for the society. He/ She make sure that the technology which is being used by him is not harmful for the society. Therefore an IT Expert does the professional work in the society and gives the message of doing the right things. In addition to this, an IT Expert is someone who makes sure that there should be an effective social health and wellness among the society. Responsibility of an IT Professional: IT Professional gives a fruitful contributions which helps in the development of the weaker sections of the society to ensure that the IT Professional is largely responsible for the society around us. An IT Expert includes a number of societies such as the contribution towards the economic development of some of the backward regions and the weaker sections of the society. The IT Experts contribute to the different kind of welfare programs for the society including the working for the underprivileged children and to support the number of activities (Ali et al, 2010). These employees work hand in hand with the different NGOs and work for the healthcare and educations and the different campaigns for the skills and the community welfare and works for the campaigns such as the skill development and community welfare. Social Impact of Technology In addition to this, technology has also worked for providing social benefits to the people (Jin et al, 2010). For examples, there are a number of technologies which have been developed in the recent times for the people who are blind or visually impaired. These people can enjoy the information and can communicate easily because of the society. It has been correctly said by Christopher Murphy that one of the greatest ability of the disabled people is to ability to learn through the computers and modem to learn in such the world in which they can enjoy their life. A disabled person can have the use of the computer access and can do each and every thing. In addition to this, the governments have also had a great impact because of IT. The IT Industry has done a number of developments which has helped the government of different nations to strengthen their defense. Thus, IT industry has contributed to the society by strengthening the defense of the nation. There has been an advancement o f the technology related to the weapons. For examples, it would be impossible to create the designs of aero planes without advances in IT. Business and Professional Practice The different activities for the society are done by the IT professional in a completely professional manner. The IT employees are helping in the smooth operations of the number of social institutions. This has helped in improvement in the life of the number of people. In addition to this, IT industry has also been beneficial for the businesses in the world. The main aim of the IT Industry is to provide the commercial advantage. Some of the advancements include the creation of the computer aided design, some of the relational technologies related to the databases, creation of spreadsheets and the different kinds of word processing software which can be used for the purpose of commercial benefits for the society around us (MuthuriMatten, 2009). Thus, in addition to this, the number of automations isdone in the business processes are helpful for the growth of the businesses in the present times. In addition to this, because of the different kinds of hardware and the software mechanisms one can use and manipulate different kind of information so as to help in the growth of the business. The IT industry can also enable the business to highlight different areas where they can increase their overall business income through the help of different types of advertisements. Conclusion In the report, the discussion has been done on the social responsibility of the IT professionals. The IT professionals are one of the most important parts of the society. Therefore, it is important for the individuals to be involved in the IT industry. The report does the analysis of the different roles of the IT professional for the society. In addition to this, the social impact of technology has been studied. Further the study has been done to find out that how the IT professional plays the role in growth of different business in the society. It has been found that IT professional help in the growth of the processional practices within the society. References Chaudhri, V., Wang, J. (2007).Communicating corporate social responsibility on the internet a case study of the top 100 information technology companies in India.Management Communication Quarterly,21(2), 232-247. Ali, I., Rehman, K. U., Ali, S. I., Yousaf, J., Zia, M. (2010). Corporate social responsibility influences, employee commitment and organizational performance.African Journal of Business Management,4(13), 2796. Jin, K. G., Drozdenko, R. G. (2010). Relationships among perceived organizational core values, corporate social responsibility, ethics, and organizational performance outcomes: An empirical study of information technology professionals.Journal of Business Ethics,92(3), 341-359. Muthuri, J. N., Matten, D., Moon, J. (2009). Employee volunteering and social capital: Contributions to corporate social responsibility.British Journal of Management,20(1), 75-89.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Outline of Discussion Points an Example by
Outline of Discussion Points What key topics should be addressed in the presentation? For the presentation to be effective, key topics like definition and importance of the elements of the story should be addressed. The whole point of the presentation is to make the audience know and understand how these elements give life to a story. Therefore, these things should be given due emphasis on the presentation, itself. Need essay sample on "Outline of Discussion Points" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed In what ways can the setting tell a story by itself? Setting, defined as the time and location in which a story takes place, can very much affect the story, itself. Setting can set the mood of the readers and can take them to the actual place and time of the story. The type of atmosphere a writer sets at the beginning of the story influences much the feelings of the readers. Even the narration of the social and weather conditions insinuates what is happening at a certain point or part of the story. What do you feel is the best element of a story? I think the best element of the story is its theme. Although I believe that the key elements of the story are all very important, the theme acts as the stimulus that makes the rest of the elements move. Since theme is the controlling idea or central insight of a story, it plays a very significant role in the delivery of the story, as a whole. Without it, the whole point of the story is gone. A storywriter writes a story mainly because he wants to convey a message to his readers. And this message is clearly manifested through a storys theme. Which elements do you feel are the most important to make the story whole? Among the many elements of the story, its five key elements, namely character, setting, plot, conflict, and theme, make the story whole. Characters give life to a story since they are the doers in it. Setting takes the readers to the actual time and place of the story. Plot sequences the events in a manner that readers could fully understand it. Conflict adds spice to it and gives a feeling of excitement to the readers. And theme directs the readers to what the story is all about. References Short Story Elements. 5 Important Elements of a Short Story. Retrieved November 22, 2007 Serrano, J.B., Lapid, M.G. (2004). English Communication Arts and Skills Through Filipino Literature. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The Difference Between Tourism Management And Event Management Tourism Essays
The Difference Between Tourism Management And Event Management Tourism Essays The Difference Between Tourism Management And Event Management Tourism Essay The Difference Between Tourism Management And Event Management Tourism Essay Development of touristry industry must accommodate to the touristry merchandises of touristry demand, development of event touristry besides needs to accommodate to mass touristry merchandises of touristry demand, while the nucleus of touristry merchandises is tourism attractive force. Tourist attractive force is a natural tourer attractive force, cultural object, and the cardinal belongings and map is attractive to tourers and stimulates people s travel motives ( Margaret Deery ; A Leo Jago ; Liz Fredline, 2004 ) . The most basic map OF tourer attractive force is to pull tourers to the finish. Therefore, the intent of this study is to look for the similarities and differences between touristry direction and event direction, and the event touristry will be the focal point to associate the both. Tourism direction is trusting on originative thought, incorporating touristry resources to accomplish the optimum tantrum of resources, environment, conveyance and market, and eventually to accomplish the originative procedure of aims of touristry development ( Witt, S. F. , Moutinho, L. , 1996 ) . Event direction is the direction activity to accommodate all degrees and types of political and economic activities, athleticss events, the chief touristry, conferences and exhibitions, amusement, carnival and others based on the explosive growing of authorities and non-government bureaus ( Boris Gruschke, 1998 ) . It is non merely different from authorities disposal, but besides different from ordinary commercial endeavor direction across organisations. Event touristry refers to the signifier of taking erstwhile or regular festivals held as the nucleus attractive force for finish selling, or heightening the particular touristry activities ( David Getz, 2008 ) . Holiday jubilations frequently accumulated a rich local cultural content, and really strong engagement, amusement, hence, the contrivers of event activities frequently try to make an ambiance of festival or jubilation in order to pull wider attending, more tourers, and even make a recycling of tradition . 3 Similarities between touristry direction and event direction In my sentiment, the most of import similarity between touristry direction and event direction is event touristry, which is reflected both in touristry and event activities. Tourism Management Event Management Event Tourism Management Figure 1 Similarity between touristry direction and event direction Compared with the general types of touristry activities, event touristry has its ain distinguishable features: One is the typical endemic feature. Production of a touristry event will frequently trust on local features and cultural imposts to pull local beginning ( Julie E Otto and J. R. Brent Ritchie, 1996 ) . Originating from the festival with a typical local characteristics travel, it is easy to win the favour of the deepness of the root causes of tourers. Second is the activity concentration. Event touristry activities are concentrated in a peculiar period of clip, normally a fixed clip period, and activity is really compact agreement, which makes the tourers touristry activities and touristry experience with important concentration of characteristics. If the event activities are capturing, tourers by and large stay longer. Third is the widespread influence. Large graduated table of event touristry activities frequently lead to larger concerns, to pull people from all over the universe concentrated in one activity enabling coaction, experience the local ambiance of the event ( David Getz, 1997 ) . This will convey big and widespread impact to the regional touristry development and local economic, societal and cultural development. Fourth is the fullness of effects. A major event touristry activity held brings both a direct economic benefit, but besides brings indirect benefits to other facets of stealing, will advance the development in assorted facets of the host. Event touristry has these characteristics, combined with festivals by tourers with high degrees of ingestion, repeatability, a longer abode clip, etc. , characteristics, doing event touristry as a concern of the object for the regional touristry development, increasing people attending ( Robyn Stokes, 2008 ) . Australia by virtuousness of keeping this particular gay event of America s Cup yacht race became one of the universe s most celebrated tourers ; China Qingdao through Beer Festival , Ocean Day spread out their alone marine civilization , successfully created the image as the features of the marine metropolis. It shows the organisation of festivals, particularly the organisation of large-scale events, frequently become the focal point of media attending. Event touristry for the metropolis provides a phase to demo their image, any one ad, any selling activities are hard to fit with the effectivity. Large graduated table of event activities Participated in event Improved Infrastructure Community involvements Increased Media coverage Increased Travel publicities Increased Capacity Visitor Satisfaction Community Satisfaction Increased Identity Increased Visiting host people Word of oral cavity Increased Tourism image Impression of diminution over clip Figure 2 The nexus between event and touristry 4 Differences between touristry direction and event direction Using system theory, with project direction theory, it can understand the event touristry from four degrees ( John Swarbrooke, 1999 ) : the basic rules and constructs ( Tourism event is a undertaking, project direction should be implemented ) ; system development rhythm ( touristry event development life rhythm ) ; systems and processs ( utilizing specific direction techniques and processs ) ; organisational behaviour ( set up sensible organisational construction and effectual encouraging undertaking members ) . Table 1 Comparative analysis of touristry event characteristics and undertaking definition Definition of undertaking Features of touristry event 1, including a individual, definable end or stop merchandise or consequence. Tourism event is non-routine , is the particular event happening within a certain period. It is an identifiable undertaking, has a certain economic ends, societal ends. Major touristry festival ( Mega-event ) on touristry has immense economic and societal impact. Large-scale festival events can be regarded as sub-sub undertakings. 2, unique. Undertaking is the activity with merely one type, and can neer be wholly repeated. Tourism event is normally carefully planned. This nature makes touristry events different from the self-generated events and occurrences unique. It is impossible to reiterate, if failed, could non retrieve. 3, the impermanent activities. Life-cycle, one time the end to accomplish, the undertaking has ceased to be. Tourism event has a certain deadline. While some festivals held on a regular basis, but the consequence of the undertaking objectives, stakeholders and the Environment ( Internet Explorer undertaking system ) will alter, so this new festival should be regarded as new undertakings. 4, requires the usage of assorted professional and organisational accomplishments and ability. Tasks and accomplishments required besides vary with the undertaking. The procedure of the operation of touristry event is across a figure of direction maps units: authorities, concern, public and many industries. Tourism event s success is inseparable from their extended support and coaction. 5, may be unfamiliar. Very unsure hazard factors. The complexness of the procedure organisation operation of touristry event, integrated non merely manifested in non merely the features of touristry merchandises in general, it besides has its ain features and properties. 6, there is some hazard. The failure of the undertaking may present a menace to the organisation or its ends. Tourism event has the hazard for every phase, failure of touristry festival activities could adversely impact touristry finish in reasonably long clip. 7, is to accomplish the end of a procedure to work. A undertaking to travel through several different phases ; phases of transition undertakings, manpower, organisation and resources will alter with it. Tourism event during the operation and direction may still go on. There may be single specific undertakings that are non to the full defined in footings of undertakings ; most undertakings have in forepart of three or four characteristics. Comparative analysis from the tabular array, touristry event at least meets the before six points. It can be concluded: Tourism event is a undertaking, project direction theory is applied to the touristry event merchandises. Tourism event is present the life rhythm. The life rhythm of touristry events is it similar to the dynamic procedure of the natural life rhythm of birth, growing, adulthood, diminution and decease, which includes construct, planning, execution and operation of four phases ( I McDonnell, J Allen, W Otoole, 1999 ) . Purpose of understanding the life rhythm issues travel subdivision is really of import to director of the undertaking: on the one manus, touristry event highlights the undertaking life rhythm in undertaking direction program, reappraisal and analysis, execution procedure, the direction of each procedure systems analysis is the footing for the following stage of the operation, which requires direction system, a comprehensive apprehension of project life rhythm touristry festival, and at different times to take corresponding steps ; on the other manus, life rhythm procedure is for each undertaking aims, which requires the undertaking director should be on the festival s appr ehension of the undertaking life rhythm and the undertaking aims to unite effectual direction by aims ( David Getz, 1997 ) . Therefore, the directors to react flexibly to the altering environment demand to hold a life rhythm direction civilization, in order to guarantee the smooth operation of the events. 5 Decision As a undertaking, the touristry event should be analyzed with a systematic attack. Management of touristry event, in the face of complex elements in the events undertaking system, directors must first transport out systematic analysis of each component. Tourism event undertaking system is an unfastened system, undertaking directors must from the system degree, organisational degree and proficient degree to measure the system, senior directors will necessitate more from the system degree to analyse the system. To understand the chief system of belongings undertakings of touristry events, peculiarly in the development of touristry event is the of import position in the major touristry events and immense undertakings. Event touristry as the span to associate touristry and event activities, in the touristry development assumes more and more of import maps and function. Although it shows the similarities and differences between touristry direction and event direction, for the issues of the operation thought of touristry event, development scheme and effects, we should pay more concerns. Word count: 1,529
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Marketing Analysis Tools
Marketing Analysis Tools Introduction Each organizational structure has unique features that make it appealing in the competitive market. There are those organizations which employs unique and creative attributes to remain afloat while there are others who opt to use other venues of interest to attract as many clients as possible. To understand how these organizations achieve their objectives it would be crucial to understand business analysis essentials.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Analysis Tools specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For instance, in analyzing the diverse dynamics concerning external environment within the Sonko Mobile Games, the foremost approach was to understand the apposite tool to use and how effective the considered tool was. Therefore, in such a scenario pertaining SMG the apposite tool exploited is typically known as SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). SWOT analysis is a compr ehensive tool employed in assessing business ventures as well as organizational environment of the given business. It helps in drafting the key objectives of the organization. This tool is essential in that it helps in making the organization or the business analyst to concentrate on resources as well as the capabilities to the imminent competitive surroundings (Ovidiu 2000; Greenbaum 2001). Hence, strengths and weaknesses are evaluated as internal factors while opportunities and threats reflect the scope of external factors. The point of employing this analysis was to establish the manner SMG operated and utilized its resources in regard to its marketing strategies. The Scope The scope of employing this tool concerns understanding the diverse organizational challenges which the given organizations was etched. SMG as a leading provider and creator of games relating to news events had experienced unexpected challenges (Slater 2002; Weingand 2003; Lim 2002). Therefore, by employing th is tool a number of facts were examined to determine its strengths in regard to the changing marketing opportunities. Sonko Mobile Games is a continental corporation that deals with designing, developing, creating, publishing and distribution of news event games applications. These applications involve online interactive amusement games, in addition to mobile games. Over the years the organization has grown to be a leader in designer of diverse games which are exploited by a number of multinational corporations. Also their applications are widely used along such popular gadgets as Nintendo DS, personal computers, PSP (Play station Portable), iPod, and mobile phones (Kiragu 2011). The organization distributes its products to over 40 countries globally. By using this tool we have managed to understand the manner this organization operates.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn Mo re Therefore, SWOT analysis can be said to be the principal tool that is decisively effective in analyzing both minor and major aspects of any organizations. It should be noted that by exploiting this tool, it has emerged that SMG has a number of segments by which they create their products. These segments touch on SMG Games, sports as well as basic entertainment. Despite that SM games has one of the broadest ratio regarding research, creative and development staff, and more so it produces and markets a number of unique games application which are portable in all available platforms. On sports and news front the organization has managed to create and develop applications and games which cover a broad rage of sports activities such as FIFA soccer, golf, formula 1 racing as well as boxing among others. Another significant attribute concerns the Sims segment which has been established as an extension of the organizations games simulation, this concept is also effectively exploi ted through interactive online games (Scholtes 2000; Weingand 2002). As is established by the aforementioned aspects SWOT analysis has been exploited as a strategic policy schedule to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats tied to an organization or a project. The usefulness of this approach can be linked to the fact that it employs the innate aspects of evaluating and stipulating the objective of the organizations including identifying the dynamics of both internal and external features that are either favorable or unfavorable in attaining its key initiative. Another critical factor attributed to this analysis tool lies in that it has other features such as matching and converting. The significance of this attribute as far as analyzing SMG is concerned helped in identifying competitive benefits through matching the strengths along with the available opportunities (Block 2000). Alternatively the extent of converting was well thought-out in application t o conversion of each weaknesses or threats into both strengths and opportunities. Though, this analysis tool could in a way limit the scope or strategies being evaluated it proved to be highly effective (Senge 1994). Therefore, the information which was collected in the course of using this tool reflects the significance and value of relating business aspects to the available resources. The dynamics of SWOT analysis together with the related features illustrates the strengths of this too (Bennis, et al 2001). Thus, as it was widely exploited it demonstrated that the analyzed organization had conflicting features. these features concerns the organization weaknesses which were identified as; dependence on platforms developed and created by their rivals and this has resulted in SMG having restricted capabilities in their graphic capabilities, design as well as game performance.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Analysis Tools specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Another weakness which was imminent regards the timing of the release of their diverse products. It is apparent that a considerable ratio of their products is released during Christmas as well as during certain sporting seasons (Ould 2005). This approach has continued working negatively against this organization. Similarly this tool has established that SMG enjoys diverse opportunities which are beneficial to its operations. Some of these opportunities identified relates to creating simulated games to use for commercial and military training purposes (Wheatley 2001). The mentioned tool has shown that it is useful to undertake periodical analysis in order to be certain of the nature of the environment surrounding your business. Also this tool has illustrated that the undertaken analysis helps in establishing the apposite focus in regard to marketing and promotional strategies (Laguna, et al 2004; Drucker 2002). Therefore, it is p aramount to assert that SWOT analysis has been explored as the decisive analysis tool employed to examine the selected organization. From the organizational and marketing scope the tool plays a critical role in assisting the organization analysts to under the diverse facets of the organization (Lorna 1999). This can be attributed to the fact that SWOT analysis provides a chance for the organizations structures to explored and examined critically. Hence, establishing the cause or as well understanding the available remedies for the emerging threats or weaknesses (Gale Research 2000; Lorna 2002). Conclusion In conclusion, SWOT analysis is a decisive analysis tool that is essential in evaluating the organizations diverse aspects. This can be illustrated by the manner SMG has been evaluated in regard to the organizations operational environment. This tool is essential in that it could be employed in future by the organizations planners in capturing factors touching on their business. For instance, this tool provided a vivid insight into the manner the given organization was behaving in regard to market environments, changing production costs as well as social impacts on its products (Bennis 2004; Hay 1999).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More References List Bennis, Warren. (2004) On Becoming a Leader. NY: Perseus Press. Bennis, Warren; Nanus, Bert. (2001). Strategies for Taking Charge. NY: Harper. Block, Peter. (2000)Stewardship: Choosing Service over Self-Interest. NY: Berrett. Drucker, Peter. (2002) Innovation and Entrepreneurship. NY: Harper. Gale Research. (2000) Notable Corporate Chronologies. Detroit: Gale Research. Greenbaum, Thomas. (2001) Focus Group Research. New York: Lexington. Hay, Robert. (1999) Encyclopedia of Consumer Brand. Detroit: St. James. Kiragu, Peter. (2011) Market analysis objectives. Nairobi: St.Teresa Books. Laguna, Manuel; Marklun, Johan. (2004) Business Process. NY: Prentice. Lim, Kyung-Sun. (2002) How Products Are Made. Detroit: Gale Research. Lorna, Daniells. (1999). Business Intelligence. Boston: Harvard. Lorna, Daniells. (2002) Business Information Sources. Berkeley: UCP. Ould, Martyn. (2005) Business Process Management. London: BCS. Ovidiu, Noran. (2000)Business Modeling.Griffh: Griff h University. Scholtes, Peter. (2000)Making Things Happen.NY: McGraw-Hill. Senge, Peter. (1994) The Fifth Discipline. New York: Doubleday. Slater, Robert. (2002) Management Insights. McGraw-Hill. Weingand, Darlene. (2002) Marketing. Englewood: Libraries Unlimited. Weingand, Darlene. (2003)Marketing audit: Using systems analysis. Chicago: ALA. Wheatley, Margaret. (2001) Learning about Organization.NY: Berrett-Koehler.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Bipolar disorder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Bipolar disorder - Essay Example These episodes cause unusual and severe shifts in mood, energy, and behavior that interfere drastically with normal, healthy functioning. Bipolar disorder is often a chronic, recurring condition. Sometimes, the mood switches are vivid and rapid, but most often they are steady. When a person is in the depressed phase, the individual can experience any or all of the symptoms of a depressive disorder. When in the overexcited cycle, any or all of the symptoms listed under mania may be experienced. Mania affects a person’s thinking, judgment, and social behavior in ways that cause serious problems and discomfiture. Bipolar disorder is usually subdivided into bipolar I and bipolar II disorders (Mitchell et al. 207–210). The usual form of bipolar disorder is referred to as bipolar I. Bipolar II is a syndrome in which the affected person has repeated depressive episodes interrupted by what is called hypomania. These exhilarated states in bipolar II do not fully meet the criteria for the complete manic episodes that occur in bipolar I. There are various symptoms observed an affected manic person. It is not necessary that all the symptoms should appear in a person who is affected. Some people experience a few symptoms and some many symptoms. Following are some of the symptoms of manic or depressed individuals: Studies have shown that bipolar disorder is diagnosed in equal numbers of men and women. It is not known exactly why major depression seems to affect more women than men while mania affects both men and women equally. One of the obvious reasons may be that mania, with its very prominent symptoms it is much more easily recognized than depression. Depression may also go unrecognized in men especially under alcoholic conditions. Heredity: Individuals with relatives who have had bipolar disorder have a greater chance of developing it themselves. Immediate
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