Literary Analysis Research Paper Topics For American Dreams Winters Dream And A Soldier'S Home
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Biological influences on gender Essay
Initial 40 days after origination, incipient organisms create similarly and have female and male life structures If ovum is treated by a sperm conveying another X chromosome, the gonads form into ovaries. The male components of life systems break down; the female ones thicken and develop into a belly. The outer life structures forms into female genitalia. In the event that the ovum is prepared by a sperm conveying a Y chromosome, the gonads cells convert into testicles. The male inward organs create and the female organs crumble. Outside male genitalia create. Every single human undeveloped organism would form into females except if they are masculinised by the Y chromosome. Hormones: After the sex chromosomes, the hormones give the principle natural effects on sexual separation. Guys and females produce androgens The male hormone is testosterone The female hormones are estrogen and progesterone Hormone levels can be taken as a proportion of masculinisation and feminisation Under/over introduction to hormones during the basic time frame (6 to about two months) can influence later sexual orientation related conduct; young men presented to too little testosterone may turn out to be less manly and young ladies presented to a lot of testosterone might be increasingly manly. Hormones from the gonads impact the improvement of genitalia, the mind and sex conduct. By week 8 of incubation, the gonads are creating hormones. It is difficult to set up hormonal effects on conduct on the grounds that there are different impacts that influence our conduct, for example, the nature, sustain banter Brain contrasts: Clear contrasts can be found in the cerebrum capacity of grown-up people, especially the capacity and life structures of the nerve center, these distinction anyway are not found in youngsters under 6 years of age Green (1995) states that testosterone may influence other mind structures, for example, those which impact forceful conduct, no immediate proof has been found The level of lateralisation in male and female minds is another distinction. The left half of the globe controls discourse and language while the correct side of the equator controls spatial abilities with data being gone between halves of the globe through the corpus amphitheater. Shaywitz and Shaywitx (1995) utilized MRI sweeps to look at the mind while people completed language assignments. Discovered that ladies utilized the two sides of the equator o the cerebrum while men utilized the left half of the globe considers that help, with assessment focuses There are four wellsprings of proof to evaluate the connection among science and sex conduct; creature examines, contextual analysis research, associating hormone levels and sexual orientation conduct. creature examines: youthful (1966) considered rodents, an animal categories where male and females show altogether different sexual practices guys mount from behind and females embrace the â€Å"lordosis†position (back curved, head low) gave portions of male hormones to female rodents and the other way around during basic period found that they indicated invert practices, guys received the â€Å"lordosis†position and females endeavored to mount from behind backings that hormones are answerable for choosing male/female mating conduct Animal examinations assessment focuses: †The issue of the utilization of creatures in research, is it moral? deceptive to†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ it is morally off-base to deliver such trivial enduring upon any living animal. Either creatures are so not at all like us that we can't intelligently apply the consequences of creature tests to people, or they are like such an extent that it is exploitative to test upon them †can't have any significant bearing to people and make speculation since he life structures of a rodent is totally different to the life structures of a human. Can't accept that people would show similar outcomes. It is highly unlikely to truly know since it would be amazingly exploitative to control hormones into people during the basic time frame. we need to utilize contextual analyses, similar to the youthful examination, and hang tight for them to happen normally +supports organic methodology, shows that hormones are answerable for sex conduct +it is a lab test, which implies that there is bunches of control and factors can be controlled, it additionally implies that it is truly solid as it is a logical experiment†¦.. + which lead on to the way that the trial is replicable, not a great deal is expected to complete the examination, just rodents a hormones then all that you have to do s watch the rodents Case study research:Money and Erhardt (1972) 1 sister was presented to male hormones in utero contrast with sister who was not mother was approached to remark on games played, toys utilized and dress decisions uncovered young lady = innocent young ladies, higher IQ and profession goals follow up in 1974 demonstrated just a single distinction in young ladies is that the uncovered young lady was all the more truly dynamic Money and Erhardt assessment focuses:: †Many of the inquiries posed were driving inquiries â€Å" which of your little girls is the most tomboyish?†, the analysts may have utilized these to find a specific sort of solution †follow up concentrate in 1974 discovered just a single contrast, that the uncovered young ladies were all the more truly dynamic + Natural experiment†¦, moral, high environmental legitimacy + underpins natural methodology, in spite of the fact that there isn't solid proof there still is proof to show that there is a connection among science and sex conduct †on the grounds that the mother was informed that her youngster will be increasingly intrigued by innocent exercises, she could have accidentally empowered progressively innocent practices onto her girl Hines (1984) 3-multi year old young men and young ladies with inborn adrenal hypersia (CAH) inspected the measure of crude play contrasted them with an unaffected benchmark group discovered minor contrast between CAH young ladies and control bunch young ladies CAH young ladies favored playing with young men in 2004, looked at 25 people who had CAH with their unaffected family members the two gatherings requested to recollect and review youth sexual orientation job conduct ladies with CAH reviewed more â€Å"boy related behaviours†young men with CAH were indistinguishable to their unaffected male family members Hines assessment focuses: + regular trial, nothing was constrained + utilized a benchmark group, shows comparison+used the two guys and females, no sexual orientation predisposition +ethical†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. since it is regular trial - needs populace legitimacy, doesn't state what number of ppts in 1994 investigation and just 25 ppts in 2004 examination - disregards ecological components affecting practices, for example, kin and good examples - indicated just restricted proof supporting the organic methodology relating hormone levels and sex conduct in ordinary populaces: Deady et al took a gander at connection between sexual orientation job direction a testosterone levels in youngster free young ladies asked ppts to finish SRI and asked how â€Å"broody†they felt and perfect age for having first kid discovered ladies with high salivary degrees of testosterone would in general have lower scores identifying with the craving to have kids lower maternal drives might be identified with more elevated levels of male hormones Deady et al assessment focuses Just shows a connection, no circumstances and logical results +objective measure†¦.. unprejudiced estimation/investigation, in that you measure what is there and not affected by your convictions or reasoning of something†¦that is for emotional estimation/examination. The kid who was raised as a young lady Bruce and Brian, twins conceived in 1965 at a half year old, the twins were circumcised Bruce’s activity was bungled and his penis was everything except consumed off went to Dr. John Money (who immovably accepted sex was found out) cash exhorted that Bruce’s penis be evacuated with the goal that he resembled a young lady, and be raised as Brenda Brian the indistinguishable twin was the control Brenda got female hormone medicines in the wake of being come clean, Brenda in a split second returned to his actual sex Boy who was raised as a young lady assessment focuses: + Biological sex is the essential factor adding to a feeling of sexual orientation. In any event, when he however that he was a young lady he despite everything felt like he was an inappropriate sex, without realizing that he was organically male. + Case study, loads of data, point by point account, substantial +supports that nature, support doesn’t have as much control assessment of the job of qualities and hormones +scientific way to deal with sexual orientation, sex - > science - > science - > objective, sex/sex is a similar +implications on genuine circumstances, for example Olympics-contend with the sexual orientation that you relate to, hereditary sex no longer decides sex +makes sense, we acquire different highlights, for example, hair and eye shading, why not sex highlights + loads of supporting proof 1. creature contemplates 2. contextual investigations state how it underpins > +&-of studies 3. relationship considers 4. kid who was raised as a young lady heaps of supporting proof, can't sum up too deterministic†¦ gender= controlled by your qualities overlooks different components that decide sex job conduct for example good examples, kin, media, instruction reductionist, decreasing conduct down to qualities, hormones and qualities (science) sustain, transgender, underpins support behaviorist methodology, sexual orientation is found out different methodologies, Freud, psychosexual stages
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Accounting ASC Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Bookkeeping ASC - Research Paper Example A case of these rules are those given by Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) that has inside it two strategies to perceive income for online retailers. One of these techniques is the gross strategy and the other is the net technique. Two online retailers that have been utilized in the assessment of these two techniques are Amazon and Overstock. ASC rules The ASC rules perceive two essential bookkeeping strategies for the situation where one is perceiving incomes. These are the gross technique and the net strategy. The gross strategy looks to perceive the aggregate sum of deals that have been produced using which any limits that happen inside the time period opened for limits are then recorded. These limits might be gathered in periods. This is the place they have happened in periods that are more noteworthy than two bookkeeping periods and where the conceivable time of installment isn't sure. The net technique then again records income as far as the net deals that have been made on the item. For the situation where later on the client chooses not to exploit any limits that have been offered then this is recorded as salary. Net technique for bookkeeping is one that considers the limits that might be taken and significantly depends on how great a customer is in regarding their commitments to pay. The net strategy then again takes a gander at the limits that the client has not exploited and furthermore on how insufficient the client might be in respecting their commitments to pay. Amazon perceives income on its books dependent on the fulfillment of four elements. The acknowledgment is likewise subject to the wellspring of the income; this is regarding whether it is from direct deals or commissions earned. The four components considered are that there should be significant proof that there is the purpose of directing business. The following is that the products have been conveyed or the administration has been rendered. The selling cost additionally must be def inite and fixed. At last that the assortment of the sum is partially guaranteed. In situations where the cost isn't anything but difficult to decide and Amazon is the essential wellspring of the products then the net income is charged. Membership expenses are perceived as incomes over the life of the membership. In situations where gift vouchers have been bought, they are perceived as incomes when they are utilized by the client or when they lapse. Amazon is an organization that uses the net technique for income acknowledgment. This is obvious from the way that the organization perceives the all out income that is evaluated to come from any of the exchanges that they make netting any limited time limits that the items may have. This likewise nets the refunds that the items may draw in and the stipend for any costs that might be associated with restoring the merchandise. The acknowledgment of this income is likewise restricted to where the danger of misfortune and the title of any it em sold have been moved to the customer. Overload Overstock then again has distinctive income acknowledgment methods. They have a client dedication program whose income is allotted ratably over the time of responsibility for enrollment card. The income from remunerations planned for the individuals who are individuals are perceived when they exploit these prizes, when the prizes terminates which is generally ninety days after the expiry of participation and when there is a breakage (when the reclamation by the client of remunerations is exceptionally improbable). There have not been any cases of breakage. The incomes from gift vouchers are likewise perceived when they are reclaimed or when recovery is profoundly impossible for a fact. It tends to be seen
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive MBA News MBAs Hold Weight in Hard Times
Blog Archive MBA News MBAs Hold Weight in Hard Times In a weak economic climate, the return on investment of graduate school can seem uncertain. Conventional market wisdom suggests that the value of a degree wanes for those graduating during a recession. However, an article in the Harvard Business Review this week makes the case that the perceived value of an MBA in fact tends to survive downward trends in the economy. The Graduate Management Admission Council’s 2014 survey of nearly 21,000 business school alumni shows that the self-reported overall value of an MBA for graduates in recession years was comparable to that for graduates in other years. Furthermore, alumni who graduated during a recession were actually slightly more likely to rate the financial value of their degree favorably: 79% of recession-era graduates rated their degree as “financially rewarding,†compared with 75% of alumni who graduated during non-recession years. The survey responses pointed to both financial and overall satisfaction among MBAs across the full spectrum of economic stability, suggesting “the skills, experience, and networks gained during business school yield returns regardless of the job market at graduation and may be even more valuable in a tight job market.†Share ThisTweet News Tags: business school value GMAC Harvard Business Review MBA value
Monday, May 25, 2020
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Neural Responses To Feedback Essay - 976 Words
Abnormal neural responses to feedback in depressed adolescents Summary Depression rates rush during adolescence, specifically among females. In the present study, depressed juvenile females displayed increased neural reactivity to negative outcomes at two altered processing phases, with reactivity in the late stage precisely connected with the indicator of thought. The recent studies show that depressed adolescents are described by sensitivity to harmful consequences and reduced reaction to rewards. In the study, healthy and depressed female adolescents (the ages 13-18 years) completed a gambling task during the 128-channel event related potentials (ERPs) recording. The analyses focused on ERPs that were linked to initial processing of†¦show more content†¦However, based on the five hypotheses, there were no major differences between the two groups. Even though the whole purpose of this experimental study was to gather behavioral data on certain conditioned configuration preferences at the end of the task, it is possible to say that ERPs to inc entive and/or loss response are weakened by background patterns. There were no differences among the effects in predicting the ERPs in the timeframes of FRN or the LPP either. The FRN and LPP were more negative to monetary losses than to wins for both groups. Significance This article contributes to science and our knowledge of psychology by depression being a mood disorder that is perceived amongst in human beings. Depression can be discussed as the â€Å"common cold†of psychoanalysis because how easily it can be often diagnosed. There are many theories to explain the illness of depression through psychology such as through behavior or cognitive. In the behaviorist view of psychology for depression, behaviorism highlights the significance of the environment surrounding us in determining our behaviors. The focus of behaviorism is through observable behaviors and the circumstances in which people study behavior, conditioning, and social culture. Hence depression is the outcome of someone’s communications and interaction skills with their environment. Depression is caused by the abstraction of positive support from a person’s environment with certainShow MoreRelatedRevision Memo On The Classroom1711 Words  | 7 PagesRevision M emo I used the feedback from tutoring, model assignments, and Grammarly. I used Grammarly to check for any grammar, spelling, punctuation, passive voice errors; and to improve sentence beginnings. I used a thesaurus to replace any weak phrases, to receive better transitional phrases. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Fly Away From Home By Jennifer Weiner Essay - 1676 Words
In her book Fly Away from Home, Author Jennifer Weiner once said â€Å"divorce isn’t such a tragedy. A tragedy is staying in an unhappy marriage, teaching your children the wrong things about love†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This is the general idea of divorce, once one has decided they’ve had enough it’s okay to quit. In some situations I would agree that it is absolutely necessary for divorce. I am not against divorce but I am in favor of the children that have to experience it. If you google ‘divorce’ what pops up is celebrities that have gone through it, an ad for a comedy television show about divorce, and a certificate for a free marriage counseling session. Not much is said about the children. Children from the ages of 5-13 experience the bad side of divorce because during that age is where most of the imprinting takes place. There is not much information on the topic of children that are having to go through divorce, custody battles, moving away, mental i llness, etc. The reason for my research is to develop more information about the children, how to help them cope with it, how to tell them, and how to avoid trauma. The purpose of my research is to be the voice for children, as a future child psychologist and as someone that went through it as a child. There is not enough research out there about the toll this takes on a child so I figured I could change that. On average, children manage better in a happy two-parent family than a divorced one. Although, this cannot always be the case. SomeShow MoreRelatedKate Weiner s Fly Away Home1396 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Divorce isn’t such a tragedy. A tragedy’s staying in an unhappy marriage, teaching your children the wrong things about love. Nobody ever died of divorce,†states Jennifer Weiner, a New York Times Bestselling author, in her novel, Fly Away Home. Although Weiner has a point in voicing that a dispirited and forlorn relationship can corrupt the innocent me ntality of children, it is vital that she also considers the darker, more sinister side of divorce. To put the term ‘divorce’ simply, it â€Å"is whatRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pageslittle significance. But there is little agreement over when the twentieth century c.e. arrived, and there were several points both before the year 2000 (the collapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany, the surge of globalization from the mid-1990s) and afterward (9/11, or the global recession of 2008) when one could quite plausibly argue that a new era had begun. A compelling case can be made for viewing the decades of the global scramble for colonies after 1870 as a predictableRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pages10.5/12 ITC New Baskerville Std Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrievalRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pagesmarketing channel distribution, and entirely new patterns of employee recruiting, development, and training. In addition, product and services launches increasingly require more effective development initiatives. Rapidly increasing numbers of new offeringsâ€â€from Web-oriented modules to credit cardsâ€â€are being commoditized in months or even weeks instead of the periods of years on which companies had counted for cash f low. Increasingly demanding consumer and industrial buyers are basing their purchasing decisionsRead MoreQuality Improvement328284 Words  | 1314 PagesI Sixth Edition ntroduction to Statistical Quality Control DOUGLAS C. MONTGOMERY Arizona State University John Wiley Sons, Inc. Executive Publisher: Don Fowley Associate Publisher: Daniel Sayer Acquisitions Editor: Jennifer Welter Marketing Manager: Christopher Ruel Production Manager: Dorothy Sinclair Production Editor: Sandra Dumas Senior Designer: Kevin Murphy New Media Editor: Lauren Sapira Editorial Assistant: Mark Owens Production Management Services: Elm Street Publishing
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Difference Between Modern and Hasidic Orthodox free essay sample
Anti-ZionismDifferent type of Jews will have different ways in living their lives righteously. This is because distinctive sects of Jews will have diverse approaches of being righteous. For modern orthodox, they are more assimilated in the American community that they are living in and are more open to modern ideas. They also dress in modern clothing and seem to be less conservative on their culture. In other words, they â€Å"blend†with the American community, and can’t be distinguishable from others. Even though modern orthodox have the acceptance towards contemporary ideas, they are committed to their religion. On the other hand, Hasidic Jews are closed communities that would reject modern ideas and are more conservative on the culture that they had before they came up to America. As a part of their cultural identity, they wear clothes that their ancestors used to wear to maintain their culture and make sure that it does not wear away. We will write a custom essay sample on Difference Between Modern and Hasidic Orthodox or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There are also differences between the faiths of each branch. Modern orthodox Jews believe that the Torah was written by man, but influenced by god. They also believe in a national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish control in the Promised Land. This movement is known as Zionism. On the other hand, Hasidic Jews believe that the torah was written by god, and it is the word of god. They are also an anti-Zionist group. They believe that God and the Jewish people exchanged three oaths at the time of the Jews exile from ancient Israel, forbidding the Jewish people from massively immigrating to the Promised Land. Regardless all of that, they have some similarities. Both branches read torah and Talmud, and they both have the milestones and the same festivals. They also have the same symbolism such as the menorah and the Star of David, and have the same dietary laws. However, that does not mean that one is more Jewish than the other. There are different approaches of the fathers and their sons in protecting Jewish life and living out a life of righteousness. Danny’s father saw that his son, as he grew older, had more sense of superiority. He wanted to get rid of that without losing the love his son. Therefore, he decided to use the wisdom of the pain of silence to teach him a lesson that he will never forget. This made his superiority fade away, and his father now knows that Danny is a righteous man, and will not forget the commandments even after he goes to university. Reuvans father treated his son just as American father treats his son. Even though he allowed his son to live the American life, he made him read Talmud and Torah to protect the Jewish life.
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Virtual Reality Essay Example For Students
Virtual Reality Essay Virtual Reality is interactivity in such a way that the user actually feelsimmersed in the world that the computer creates. Special clothing, headgear andequipment, depending upon the application. The clothing contains sensors thatrecord the users movements and immediately transmit that information back to thecomputer. For example, to walk through a virtual reality simulation of a house,you would need garb that monitors the movement of your feet, hands and head. Youwould also need goggles that contain video screens and also audio attachmentsand feeling gloves so that you can be immersed in the computer feedback. Virtualreality also provides benefits in educational, scientific and business work. We will write a custom essay on Virtual Reality specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Japan has just put it to work in its department stores. The stores sell kitchenappliances called Virtual Kitchen. The prospective buyers bring their kitchenlayouts to the department store, where trained staff enters a copy of the designinto the computer. The customers then don the appropriate equipment and suddenlyfind themselves in their own kitchen. These appliances can be tried out invarious sizes, colours and locations. They can also test the opening and closingof the cabinet doors and drawers. They can place their existing table and chairsinto the picture so that the scene will be very realistic. They can walk aroundand discover and feel the ambiance of the new kitchen. With this technology, thecustomer is able to buy with a great more deal of confidence What Are Its UsesVirtual Reality is used: 1) In surgery system to view the virtual brain withsuperb three dimensional reality. 2) To simulate fatigue of cancer patients 3)In some electronic games 4) To stimulate construction des igns 5) In amusementpark attractions.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Keats Ode Poems Essay Essays
Keats Ode Poems Essay Essays Keats Ode Poems Essay Essay Keats Ode Poems Essay Essay This essay will work in consolidative subjects of Keats’ verse forms. Ode to a Nightingale. Ode to Melancholy. Ode to Psyche. Ode to Indolence. and Ode on a Greek Urn. The paper will analyse these verse forms and so use thematic links. In Keats’ verse form Ode to a Nightingale. the first stanza begins with the storyteller depicting grief. The undermentioned emotions each illustrate this chief point through the usage of words such as ‘drowsy numbness’ . and ‘dull opiate’ ( Lines 1-3 ) . The first stanza introduces the reader to the natural component of the nightingale. ‘light-winged Dryad of the trees’ ( Line 7 ) . This nightingale juxtaposes the narrator’s emotion in a contrastive point of felicity. and therefore elicits of the storyteller a response of enviousness ( Crawford 478 ) . The narrator’s purpose on comparing their batch with the felicity of the Luscinia megarhynchos is one full of earnest merely every bit much as enviousness. The storyteller wants to hold the nightingale’s felicity as is proven with the lines. ‘O for a draft of vintage†¦That I might imbibe. and leave the universe spiritual world. And with thee melt off into the forest dim’ ( Lines 11-20 ) . Therefore. the desire of flight is an constituted subject in Keats’ verse form Ode to a Nightingale ( Crawford 476 ) . This thought of escape is farther established in the 3rd stanza as it reads. ‘Fade far off. dissolve. and rather forget†¦The fatigue. the febrility. and the fret’ ( Lines 21-23 ) . The wish to be a nightingale. of the thins in life the talker wishes they could have is all tied up in this bantam songstress. and its life is envied all that much more because of the unachievable nature of the talker to go like the bird ( Columbia Encyclopedia 12356 ) . It is a different universe that the talker desires. one in which grief. loss. and antsy concerns of the mundane universe are excessively heavy to bear. and so their flight is non merely to go forth society. to roll off into the forests. or even to go forth the state. but to metamorphose into another animal. a bird. in which the really symbolism of flight alludes to get away. and a fast 1. Not merely is escape the ideal of the talker but to be able to bury about the concern plenty to make a beautiful vocal is the other aim in wanting to go a nightingale. These semblances. and ponderings of transmutation is the subject which runs throughout Keats’ verse forms. For. in the speaker’s present province in this verse form. because. presumptively. of their inability to see the universe before them. as is interpreted in the lines. ‘I can non see what flowers are at my pess. Nor what soft incense bents upon the boughs’ ( Lines 41-42 ) . Therefore. in going a Luscinia megarhynchos. the storyteller will cast the concerns of his present human province in society and be able to steep themselves in the natural universe ( Stillinger 595 ) . In the same temper of transmutation the talker suggests that possibly decease is a great flight. ‘I have been half in love with easeful Death. Call’d him soft names in many a mused rime. To take into the air my quiet breath’ ( Lines 52-54 ) . Here so is seen the ultimate escape subject ; Death. These two subjects. that of flight through nature ( nightingale ) and through supernatural ( Death ) run in opposing waies. as Keats points out in the verse form. â€Å"Thou wast non born for decease. immortal Bird! ’ ( Line 61 ) . Therefore. the bird is proven to be an ageless symbol and therefore. the poem’s storyteller must happen which persuasion ; the natural or the supernatural will win them over ( Smith 400 ) . In Keats’ verse form Ode to Melancholy. the subject of desiring joy is read throughout the verse form. The verse form seems to be an inspirational alteration from Ode to a Nightingale as the verse form illustrates a kind of derision from decease in the lines. ‘For shadiness to shadow will come excessively somnolently. And drown the argus-eyed torment of the soul’ ( Lines 9-10 ) . Therefore. death’s personification is in the shadows which the storyteller portends to be the terminal of life. where a individual should non travel ( Lethe ) . The battle of depression between felicity is a really simple subject in all of Keats’ verse forms. and one that is no different in this verse form. yet its sentence structure is more elaborately woven ( Stillinger 596 ) . The verse form states that felicity can non be gotten without melancholy and the greater the depression the greater the felicity. The desire of the storyteller in this verse form. as in Ode to a Nightingale is to be joyous. although the tract to this joy is complicated with despairing ideas. and the dragging of world. This comparison and contrast of melancholy and felicity is best seen in the lines. ‘ She dwells with Beauty-Beauty that must die’ ( Line 21 ) . Therefore. the transcendency of the ethereal of Beauty. as with the nightingale’s vocal. is something that is captured one time. and so is gone. either changed into a memory. a dream. an semblance. or decease. The accomplishment of beauty. joy. and felicity is the chief aim for Keats’ verse form. This nonsubjective is absolutely illustrated in his verse form Ode to Psyche in which the storyteller professes the beauty of the goddess. The storyteller is oppugning the beauty of Psyche. non to prove its world but to inquire whether or non they truly did see her. ‘Even into thine ain soft-conched ear: Surely I dream’d to-day. or did I see. The winged Psyche with awaken’d eyes? ’ ( Lines 4-6 ) . Therefore. Psyche’s beauty is non contested. but the vision of her beauty is by the talker. The talker goes on to lucubrate on the forest scene as had been done with the escapist path imagined in Ode to a Nightingale. The storyteller goes on to discourse the nature of their vision as two nymphs encompassing arm in arm. a winged male child and Psyche. Thus. the component of the supernatural is combined with that of the natural. which was clearly defined in Ode to a Nightingale with the bird and decease ; in this verse form they collaborate with the goddess being seduced in a wood glen. Therefore. these elements. natural and supernatural. work together to organize a collaborating image for the reader. This verse form dwells more on the illustration of a scene of Psyche being made love to. and the utmost beauty of her. while the old verse forms were chiefly focused on the narrator’s reading of their universe in footings of flight and melancholy. The escapist path taken in this verse form may outdo be described as escape through beauty. The Godhead is predominately seen in this verse form that its presence in comparing to the melancholy wishes found in the old verse form points the decisive reader towards the point of view that in beauty. particularly of fabulous proportions. is found a different signifier of flight. The belief in the aeriform kingdom. the kingdom found beyond the mundane. commonplace. and existent. and into the celestial spheres. The despair found in the old cited Keats’ verse form is found in Ode to Psyche in the component of desiring Psyche. of wanting her in this ( the narrator’s ) modern twenty-four hours. ‘Too. excessively late for the fond believing lyre. When sanctum were the haunted forest boughs. Holy the air. the H2O. and the fire’ ( Lines 37-39 ) . The dedication to this fabulous kingdom is to the full witnessed with the storyteller in the concluding stanza. ‘Yes. I will be thy priest. and construct a fane’ ( Line 50 ) . Therefore. the storyteller professes to desire to be in servitude to the goddess and makes many vows. and paints a pretty image of what such a life of servitude would be like. This image involves a batch of natural scenes of the forest with trees. bees. birds. watercourses. stars. flowers. etc. Therefore. the image of the existent. the natural. is given to back up the claim of doing the supernatural every bit existent as possible ; the subject of the natural and supernatural are seen one time once more. It does non look as though Keats is composing with personification ; that is. doing a adult female into the image of the goddess Psyche. but he is utilizing the existent image of the goddess to carry through a desire. Ode to Indolence trades with enticement and artlessness. The verse form begins. once more. with a really Keats’ hallucination affecting appareled figures. with urns. The intensions of decease. and of mythology are seen in this imagination. This verse form has the storyteller ask the three figures why did non go forth the talker entirely ; this means that the talker wishes to stay in their province of laziness as Keats writes. ‘my pulsation grew less and less’ . When the talker is done oppugning the figures. and they leave the storyteller. the verse form takes a different bend. as the talker province. ‘Then faded. and to follow them I burn’d And ached for wings. because I knew the three: The first was a just amah. and Love her name ; The second was Ambition. picket of cheek. And of all time alert with exhausted oculus ; The last. whom I love more. the more of incrimination Is heap’d upon her. maiden most unmeek. – I knew to be my demon Poesy’ ( Lines 22-31 ) . The talker so is preoccupied with desiring something of the supernatural universe. as is seen in the old verse forms discussed. ‘They faded. and. forsooth! I wanted wings’ ( Line 32 ) . The desiring of a different universe. the universe with the shadows is felt merely as strongly in this verse form as was analyzed in the old verse forms. The dream universe besides survives in this verse form as a subject for Keats. It is in the dream that the psyche exists more to the full than in the existent universe. that is the fact that the psyche is the conduit through which joy is realized. and so it is in a dream. or a surreal universe that the talker is able to happen felicity. The yearning for the shadows in this verse form is the concluding image which Keats leaves the reader with. ‘Fade quietly from my eyes. and be one time more In masque-like figures on the drab urn’ ( Lines 57-58 ) . With the image of the urn in this verse form. the obvious allusions to decease can non be misinterpreted. and so. decease as a preternaturally coveted figure as with Ode to a Nightingale is seen by the reader ( Mauro 290 ) . The subject of escape. although rather obvious in the other verse forms analyzed in this paper is doubtless seen in the verse form Ode on a Greek Urn. The thought of negative capableness is besides read in this verse form. or uncertainnesss. The reader is non given the individualities of the figures on the urn. although their impact on the talker is obvious. The figures are representational of Keats’ ain uncertainness ( Negative Capability ) . The verse form serves to concentrate the usage of the imaginativeness as a gateway into the supernatural kingdom which in itself. and its cryptic are non ever known in the corporeal kingdom. The relationship of art to existent life is the inspiration for this verse form. The same thought of negative capableness. or enigma as was seen in Ode to Indolence with the brumous three figures. and the reader’s ain ignorance on their individuality is one time once more seen in Ode to a Greek Urn. This ‘mystery’ or ignorance is most significantly read in the last three lines of the verse form. ‘Than ours. a friend to adult male. to whom thou say’st. ‘Beauty is truth. truth beauty. –that is all Ye know on Earth. and all ye need to know’ is said by the urn or is the poet’s. Keats ain position. Each verse form analyzed and compared and contrasted in this paper has had an implicit in subject of truth ; that is. the talkers attempt to happen out their ain psyche. their ain personal truth in the kingdom of the supernatural piece at times either abandoning the natural. or brooding more in the natural in order to do the supernatural seem that much more touchable as is seen in Ode to Psyche. The subject of flight was really strong in Keats’ verse form. it was non all together the chief focal point of the poet’s point of view ; alternatively the focal point may besides be the remarkable point of wanting a alteration. The thought of transmutation is what genuinely captures the reader’s imaginativeness with Keats. and it is with transmutation that a true concurrent subject is found. Plants Cited Crawford. A. W. Keats’s Ode to a Nightingale. Modern Language Notes. Vol. 37. No. 8. ( Dec. . 1922 ) . pp. 476-481. John Keats Selected Poetry. 3 April 2009. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //englishhistory. net/keats/poetry. hypertext markup language gt ; Mauro. Jason. The Shape of Despair: Structure and Vision in Keats’s ‘Ode on a Greek Urn’ . Nineteenth-Century Literature. Vol. 53. No. 3. ( Dec. . 1997 ) . pp. 289-301. Smith. Hillas. John Keats: Poet. Patient. Doctor. Reviews of Infectious Diseases. Vol. 6. No. 3. ( May-June 1984 ) . pp. 390-404. Stillinger. Jack. Keats and Romance. Surveies in English Literature. 1500-1900. Vol. 8. No. 4. ( Autumn 1968 ) . pp. 593-605. The Columbia Encyclopedia. Criticism. 6th Edition. 2007.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Training Policy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Training Policy - Assignment Example It needs to be mentioned in this regard that the training programs or policies not only concentrate on individual development but also on the facet of organizational development which is imperative to be gauged together with individual development (Rae, L., â€Å"Effective Planning in Training and Development†). Training relates to the coaching or knowledge enhancement conducts that are carried out for the principal rationale of aiding the members of a particular organization to obtain and to implement the learning proficiencies, aptitudes and approach required by that organization in order to obtain and practice the same. To put it differently, it can be stated that training is considered to be the conduct of augmenting the understanding and competency with regard to the employees in the field of their respective tasks. The environment of business has been observed to undergo through a constant alteration which is not only intensifying the degree of competition but is also ch allenging the sustained existence. This is making it necessary for the organizations to adapt to the altering scenario in order to ensure its development as well as existence. Developing fresh training policies for the organizations are considered to be an effective way for them in dealing with the alterations and modifications made with regard to the business operations. Employees are considered to be vital components, who are regarded as a fundamental part for leading the organizations towards failure or accomplishments (Rae, L., â€Å"Effective Planning in Training and Development†). Every individual organization is believed to entail the engagement of competently trained as well as experienced individuals for the reason of carrying out their respective responsibilities that form a part of the regular business operations with regard to the organization. The altering business environment is making it necessary for the employees of different organizations operating in divers e sectors to cope up with the changing requirements. Therefore, training is measured to be the aspect that is known to facilitate the growth of such capable employees by enhancing and honing their respective proficiencies. In this present society that is supposed to be changing speedily, the aspect of formulating training policies is not just observed to be a conduct that is wanted but the organizations also need to assign resources in an attempt to ensure the existence of a practical and experienced workforce (Rae, L., â€Å"Effective Planning in Training and Development†). Training policies are believed to provide significant advantages that are reaped in the long run by a definite organization. The notion related to the formulation of training policies is also measured to ascertain along with enhancing the returns gained in terms of the investment made by that organization. Therefore, the factor of providing training or structuring training policies helps the organizations to a great extent in keeping hold of the most excellent resources with the purpose of garnering the best from them (Rae, L., â€Å"Effective Planning in Training and Development†). Overview of the Company The Gulf Centre for Aviation Studies (GCAS) is a company which is located in Abu Dhabi and it is identified as a centre that aims at offering excellent training
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Marketing Plan for Dog and Duck Bar Research Paper
Marketing Plan for Dog and Duck Bar - Research Paper Example A careful evaluation of the weekly customer flow and entertainment schedule served as the foundation for this analysis and the following marketing plan. The demographics of the target markets are somewhat varied and the customer attendance is unpredictable, but research indicates that bistro clientele is extremely loyal. The plan focuses on DDB's future growth strategy in increasing public awareness, developing and maintaining customer loyalty, improving the acoustic and functional design of the interior, maximizing future profits by promoting the bistro within its specific niche market, and emphasizing the bistro's superiority in the live entertainment music market and restaurant. Because DDB's promotional budget is rather limited, free exposure like press releases and emails will be sent out on a regular basis to announce the entertainment schedule and cooperative advertising will be pursued for all future print media. A part-time marketing director will be hired to assist the owne rs in creating ad layout and content, as well as helping with public relations. Because DDB's has relatively weak marketing and financial resources, it has relied heavily on extensive word-of-mouth advertising. Fortunately, this approach has helped to achieve a limited degree of success thus far in the club's existence, but this method will not achieve the type of profit margin the owners are hoping to obtain or sustain any type of business for very long. In the meantime, the employees will have to make a major effort to ensure that once they gain new customers, they don't lose them by consistently delivering quality products and services at competitive prices. To obtain repeat business from loyal customers, DDB's must work hard to establish long-term relationships with its clientele. Â
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Starbucks External Environment
Starbucks External Environment This report is prepared for Starbucks Coffee Company Starbucks by a Specialist Marketing Consultant, to analyse the strategic position for Starbucks in the Specialty Coffee Industry. It provides a summary of all the major findings and, explores various strategic options and recommendations for Starbucks in order to increase and maintain its competitive advantage within the industry. Starbucks is a global leading brand, well known for its specialty coffee. The coffee house does not only sell high-quality coffees, but also Italian style beverages, cold beverages, complimentary food items, premium teas and coffee-related accessories. It has further retained its competitive advantage by selling packaged coffees and teas, ready-to-drink beverages, ice creams and many other products in other retail stores such as supermarkets through licensing relationships. Key Findings: Starbucks is facing various issues, some of which include; Maintaining the Starbucks Experience for customers and not being seen as just a money making machine Store Expansion Competition from fast-food chains and other specialty coffee retailers Generating more demand Lowering input costs Key Recommendations: Based on the strategic findings, the report outlined several recommended strategic options, the mains ones of which are: To improve the subliminal and express aura of Starbucks by supporting more good causes and paying its proper taxes. To increase revenue at lower costs, Starbucks must try and search for more licensing relationships and expose the brand further. Existing stores could attract more customers, particularly after the morning peak times by offering non-coffee beverage options or products for specific groups such as retired people. The recommended policies will help to enhance and strengthen Starbucks market share in the specialty coffee industry. Background Information on Starbucks Coffee Company (Starbucks) Starbucks was incorporated in the year 1971 by its founding directors Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl and Gordon Bowker. The Company was set up to operate as a roaster and retailer of whole bean and ground coffee, tea and spices together with coffee making equipment in Pike Place Market in Seattle, Washington (Starbucks 2013b). In the year 1987, the original owners sold the Starbucks chain to former employee Howard Schultz, who is now the current Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Starbucks. Schultz re-branded his already existin II Giornale Coffee outlets as Starbucks and quickly began to expand (Grant 2010) as he believed that: From the beginning, Starbucks set out to be a different kind of company. One that not only celebrated coffee and the rich tradition, but that also brought a feeling of connection (Starbucks 2013a). Starbucks has truly developed a unique brand experience, one which is the most respected and recognized around the world (Starbucks Annual Report 2012). Today, it is known to be one of the largest and best established American global coffeehouse chains (Grant 2010). It has grown to have over 20,800 stores in over 60 countries, with the United States having the highest number of stores, followed by Canada. The UK has approximately 806 stores. However, countries like India, the second most populous country in the world, has only circa 8 stores (Loxcel Starbucks 2013). Critical Evaluation of the Porter Five Forces Concept All organisations need to understand the dynamics of their industries and markets in order to compete effectively and intensively in the market place. An American management writer Michael Porter came up with a framework called Porters Five Forces (Porter 2008). The framework analysis the attractiveness of an organisation and or/industry structure, determines the main external competitive threats, and assesses the extent to which the five forces are relevant to the organisation and/or industry (Hollensen 2003;Purcell 2013). The five fundamental competitive forces include (1) Rivalry, (2) Buyer Power, (3) Threat of Entry, (4) Supplier Power and (5) Threat of Substitutes (Porter 2008) (Figure1 Porters Five Forces Framework). These five forces, as explained above, aid an organisation to understand two strengths; The current competitive situation and, The strength of a position it would like to move into (Purcell 2013). Michael Porter simplified the micro-economic theory into the above five major influences. Each of these influences take into account demand and supply, corresponding products as well as substitutes, the relationship between volume and production and the cost of production, and the structure of the market such as oligopoly, monopoly etc. (Grundy 2006;Porter 2008). Apart from that, the value of information abstracted from the Framework analysis, assists to fuel three aspects of corporate planning; Statistical Analysis The attractiveness and profitability of an organisation/industry can be determined by using Porters Five Force Analysis, hence supporting decision making on whether to enter/exit from an industry or market segment (Porter 2008). Furthermore, the framework considers and takes into account the impact of competitive forces on the organization (RAPIDBI 2012) itself versus impacts on its competitors (Ketels 2006). Due to the availability of different resources and levels of competences, the competitors may have different reactions when there is a change in competitive forces, hence influencing the structure of the whole industry (Grundy 2006;Ketels 2006). Dynamical Analysis A combination of both Porters Five Force Analysis and a PEST- Analysis (Political, Economical, Social, Technological), will disclose clues on how attractive the organisation/industry will be in the future (Porter 2008). This is because a change in Political, Economical, Socio-demographical and Technological aspects of organisations/industry can be influential on the five competitive forces and, hence will impact on the industry structure (Karagiannopoulos et al. 2005). Analysis of Options Improvement of an organisations own competitive position can be influenced by having some knowledge on both the degree of intensity and power of competitive forces (Recklies 2001). A new strategic direction can be derived from this such as new positioning in the market and differentiation for competitive products (Porter 2008). Accordingly, Porters Five Force Framework allows an organization to analyse the market structure and competitive situation in a more systematic and structured way (Recklies 2001). Once all relevant forces for that particular market are identified and analyzed, managers can find options that influence these forces, subject to the organizations interest (Grundy 2006;Ketels 2006;Recklies 2001). Recent research has shown that Porters Five Force Framework has got both strengths and weaknesses when used in todays dynamic environment, the main weakness highlighted has been the historic nature of its development (Grundy 2006). Cyclical growth in the 80s showed that the global economy had been fairly stable and predictable, compared to the current economy (Grundy 2006). Several limitations to the Porters Five Force Framework have been shown as; From the economic point of view, the framework is under the assumption that the market is perfect (Rivard et al. 2006). As a result, the framework will not be able to deliver meaningful insights on highly regulated industries (Grundy 2006)) . The applicability of the framework is more towards the analysis of simple market structures, rather than those which are in a much more complex industry (Grant 2010). As a result, the framework is limited to focusing on particular segments of such industries. This imposes an increased risk in omitting important elements (Grant 2010) . The framework assumption on having moderate static market structures makes it a non suitable framework for todays dynamic markets. Business models, entry barriers and relationships may change along the supply chain within a snapshot due to technological breakthroughs and dynamic market entrants (Karagiannopoulos et al. 2005). As a result, the framework could be a preferred model to be used at a later stage for analyzing new situations; however, it is limited to and perhaps not ideal to a certain extent to provide preventative actions (Rivard et al. 2006) . Porters Framework is based around the idea of competition, hence the name competitive forces. The assumption made by the framework is that a company will try to attain competitive advantage over the various players in the markets together with suppliers or customers (Aktouf et al. 2005). As a result of this, the framework only focuses on such aspect of strategy rather than taking into consideration the availability of strategic alliances, virtual enterprise- networks or others (Aktouf et al. 2005).  Overall, Porters Five Forces Framework has limitations because it does not take into consideration new business models and the dynamics of the market place (Recklies 2001). This report will now apply the Porters Five Force Framework to Starbucks Coffee Company (Starbucks) which is a large specialty coffee shop popular in most western countries such as the United States of America, United Kingdom and many others. Critical Analysis of Starbucks External Environment Within the rapidly changing global picture, companies and consumers are increasingly affected by global forces, represented as non-controllable. These forces are external environmental influences which must be monitored and responded to, on an ongoing basis by marketers, as they will lead to new opportunities and threats (Kotler 2007). An external environmental analysis, using the macro-economic PESTLE model was carried out for Starbucks and has been attached at Appendix 2 of this report. It can be seen from the analysis at Appendix 2 that there is currently a negative imbalance in Starbucks external influence matrix. This is because whilst the sociologic factors are favourable, whilst other factors such as Political, Economic and Legal show substantial threats. However, Starbucks has got some strengths that over-come some of these non-controllable influences from the external environment. It has built in flexibility to change, for example, agreeing to pay extra corporation tax in the UK, for the next two years (BBC News Business 2013), or relating to the closure of non-profit making stores, and lastly it has developed high powered management decision making process which ensures that is quick at exploiting opportunities (Patton 2012). Critical Analysis of Starbucks Business Environment Michael Porter (1985) posits that, in an attempt to find effective sources of competitive advantage, a thorough research should be conducted on the structure of the industry. In this case, an analysis of the speciality coffee industry can help to establish the strategic position Starbucks occupies and wishes to occupy. Porters Five Forces model is a useful tool in this regard. It shows how key elements have shaped the competition in the industry (Hill and Jones 2009). Buyer power In the specialty coffee industry today, consumers have wide access to different products at different prices with better quality services (Hunt et al. 2011). This practically means that individuals have the choice to easily switch from product to product, whichever is the preferred one. This is where Starbucks has an advantage; it decides on the prices of the drinks offered to its consumers, by taking into consideration the price-elasticity which is strongly influenced by loyalty to its brand and also current prices at rival stores (Grant 2010). Since Starbucks is known to be an up-market coffee shop with high quality, based on perception and offering vertically differentiated products it is very likely for it to be able to sell its products at high prices, hence leaving no room for price-negotiation with its customers (Grant 2010). Supplier power In 2008, Starbucks purchased its input goods from suppliers at a market price which was 23 per cent lower than it is now (Corporation, 2008) It also takes advantage of its size and benefits from economies of scale, however, this does not help Starbucks to increase its number of suppliers due to the circumstances within Starbucks own marketplace (Grant 2010). Prices are usually determined based on the demand and supply ratio, hence, with an increased level of competition (Kotler 2007), substitute suppliers are always available if Starbucks wishes to purchase at a different price point. Despite all the supplier conditions, Starbucks holds a better relationship status with its suppliers than most of its competitors (Starbucks, 2013). Threat of substitutes Product-for-product analysis together with an analysis of generic substitution is an important area to consider for Starbucks, since 14% of coffee drinkers have a favourable opinion for them (Rasmussen Reports 2011). The vast variety of the availability of different beverages such as soda, energy drinks, juices or water, in comparison to coffee, must be taken into consideration by Starbucks. However, this is not of a huge concern to Starbucks since it sells a large selection of these beverages within its stores, the biggest one being tea, a direct substitute to coffee. Starbucks has taken the initiative to sell this direct substitute product under its own Tazo ® Tea brand (Starbucks 2013). There is quite a concern when the threat of customers substituting away from Starbucks and going for direct competitors such as Cafà © Nero and Costa Coffee (for example in the UK) is considered. These direct competitors are hard to differentiate because they also truly pride themselves on customer services and on the quality of their speciality drinks. Large food chain competitors such as McDonalds are usually known as having a negative undertone of being cheap, often compromising on the quality of coffee. This has no effect on Starbucks targeted customer base (Grant 2010). Threat of entry The barriers to entry in the specialty coffee market, such as the one Starbucks operates in have increased. This has reduced the potential threat of new entrants (Patton 2012). The capital requirement for small coffee shops in this industry is relatively small as the shops require a small amount of floor space and not a high amount of technology is used, which is normally the biggest start-up cost. As a result the potential for more of these small coffee shops to enter the industry is still present (Articlesbase 2011). Industry Rivalry McDonalds and other fast food chains are key competitors which are diversifying their beverage menu. The direct competitors like Costa Coffee and Cafà © Nero compete on a much more of a parallel with Starbucks compared to the fast food chains, as they attract the same consumer base and offer similar products as in the way Starbucks does. Starbucks differentiates itself from other coffeehouses as it reaps higher margins from its specialty drinks. This is because it takes advantage of economies of scale and has a different cost structure in contrast with other competitors in the market. They pay less for the products bought in bulk, such as dairy goods, syrups, paper goods etc (Starbucks 10K 2010). Strategic Recommendation Whether Starbucks coffee has the actual quality to attract customers or whether there is just a perception of it being better than that of competitors has been the subject of much discussion on public media through many recent surveys and reviews. Irrespective of that, some possible strategies to be considered by Starbucks in order to maintain its market position are as follows: Strategy to renew the Starbucks brand name. To maintain a strong brand name, Starbucks will have to assure people that their coffee is better than all other beverages, be it McDonalds coffee or Costa Coffee; by introducing a more aggressive advertising campaign in order to educate and acquaint customers about the uniqueness that Starbucks quality offers as well as by diversifying advertising channels using internet, visual media etc instead of depending on employee-customer liaison (Starbucks, 2013) Product Differentiation Product differentiation is very vital in order to develop new flavour, blends and also roast fusions (Ross Gaddis, 2013) Starbucks should continue its coffee development program efforts through extensive research. This should continue to be done by providing free samples, at first, leading to launching the new product into all stores depending on what response it gets from the samples distributed (Porter, 2008) Due to the recession, consumers try to cut their spending and are less likely to buy a cup of coffee for  £2.50, and therefore, differentiation can be a useful tool to overcome economic downturns (Moon, 2010) Starbucks can promote new cost efficient products by selling them at lower prices, hence not affecting its luxury-premium status in the market. This strategy can help Starbucks retain its customers as well as intensify their brand name. Privilege Card and Rewards Program Starbucks Card program for consumers to reload credit online has been implemented in order to not only provide customers with rewards on online registering but also benefiting them with complementary beverages after a certain number of purchases, free refills as well as free syrup options (Starbucks, 2013). However, other competitors also have similar strategies for consumers and this leads Starbucks to offer distinct rewards in order to deliver incentives for coffee consumers as compared to its rivals. For instance, Starbucks could cooperate with airline companies and various large retail businesses so as to combine their rewards program with Starbucks (Hill Jones, 2010) Focus on the coffee Starbucks should also consider cost reduction as well as potential growth strategies especially at the time of economic downturn. For example, Starbucks has begun to invest in new businesses other than coffee, such as films, music and books (Starbucks, 2013) This has led Starbucks to incurring higher costs and lower profit margins but this can be prevented by focusing on different marketing techniques to reach a wider audience. In these recessionary times, involving itself in fewer businesses can help Starbucks cut down costs and more resources can be utilised to improve their core product, which is coffee (Moon, 2010) Efficient Store Expansion Decision The launch of more stores has had to be reduced or halted completely in order for Starbucks to survive at the time recession in the United States. In the year 2007, Starbucks opened about 1700 stores; today it has around 15000 stores and still aims to build the number of stores up to 40000 in the foreseeable future (Corporation, 2008) Taking into account its overall financial performance as well as the downfall in the economy, it is best if Starbucks focuses on renewing its brand and customer base rather than opening stores at present (Omer, 2008). The Starbucks Feel People enter a Starbucks store not just for a cup of coffee but also for the relaxed environment and the opportunity to de-stress for a while. The initiative to write customers names on their cups adds to this club atmosphere. This Starbucks feel needs to be further developed and sold to the customers. SECTION 6 References Aktouf, O., Chenoufi, M., Holford, W.D. 2005. The False Expectations of Michael Porters Strategic Management Framework. Problems Perspectives in Management (4) 181 available from: Articlesbase 2011. The Initial Capital Investment in Starting a Coffee Shop Business. Articlesbase available from: Accessed 18 April 2013. Business, N., 2011. [Online] Available at: [Accessed March 2013]. BBC News Business 2013. Starbucks rejects tax row threat after Cameron Speech. BBC News Business available from: Accessed 12 April 2013. Corporation, S., 2008. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2013]. Grant, R.M. 2010. Contemporary Strategy Analysis: Text Only John Wiley Sons. Grundy, T. 2006. Rethinking and reinventing Michael Porters five forces model. Strategic Change, 15, (5) 213-229 available from: Hill, C. Jones, G., 2010. 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Monday, January 20, 2020
Genetic Engineering: A Blessing or a Curse? Essay -- essays research p
Introduction Science is a creature that continues to evolve at a much higher rate than the beings that gave it birth. The transformation time from plant, to ape, to human far exceeds the time from a calculator to a computer. However science in the past has always remained distant. It has allowed for advances in production, transportation, and even entertainment, but never in history has science be able to so deeply affect our lives as genetic engineering will undoubtedly do. With the new technology there will be, of course, people against it. People who are afraid that genetic engineering and cloning are nothing more than â€Å"toys of the devil†. They fear that it is unsafe. However, I believe genetic engineering is a safe and powerful tool that will yield extraordinary results, specifically in the field of medicine. It will usher in a world where gene defects, bacterial disease, and even aging are a thing of the past. By understanding genetic engineering and it’s history, discover ing it’s possibilities, and answering the moral and safety questions it brings forth, the blanket of fear covering this remarkable technical miracle can be lifted. The first step to understanding genetic engineering and embraccing its possibilities for society is to obtain a rough knowledge base of its history and method. To start off with, you must somehow find an understanding of how individuals pass on characteristics to their offspring. For instance, in regards to eye colour, a child could receive one set of genes from his or her father that were encoded one blue, and the other brown. The same child could also receive two brown genes from his or her mother. The conclusion for this inheritance would be the child has a three in four chance of having brown eyes, and a one in three chance of having blue eyes. Genes are transmitted through chromosomes, which reside in the nucleus of every living organism's cells. Each chromosome is made up of fine strands of deoxyribonucleic acids, or DNA. The information carried on the DNA determines the cells function within the organism. "The new science of genetic engineering aims to take a dramatic short cut in the slow process of evolution". In essence, scientists aim to remove one gene from an organism's DNA, and place it into the DNA of another organism. This would create a new DNA strand, full of new envcoded instructions, instru... ...y, it will enjoy its time of realization and come into full use in society. The world is on the brink of the most exciting step into human evolution ever, and through knowledge and exploration, should welcome it and its possibilities with open arms. - Thomas Works Cited  · "Bioethics: an Introduction." Internet.  · â€Å"Genetic Engineering.† Internet. -*Good Site*-  · â€Å"Biosaftey.† Internet.  · â€Å"Genetics and cloning.† Internet.  · Roberts, Michael. Biology: Nelson Science. Nelson, Thomas Nelson and Sons ltd., 1995, Britanica. The New Encyclopà ¦dia Britanica. University of Chicago, Pan American, 1988. Yount, Lisa. Genetics and Genetic Engineering. US, Facts on File, New York  · Clarke, Bryan C. Genetic Engineering. Microsoft (r) Encarta. Microsoft Corporation, Funk & Wagnalls Corporation, 1998.  · Lewin, Seymour Z. Nucleic Acids. Microsoft (r) Encarta. Microsoft Corporation, Funk & Wagnalls Corporation  · Internet. Written by Thomas Grome
Sunday, January 12, 2020
False Advertising Essay
What they regret to inform you in the big print is that the only way to acquire these results is with diet and exercise, therefore they are misleading you. Recently, the Federal Trade Commission fined certain weight loss products for false advertising. These companies claimed that their product ranged from rapid weight loss to reducing the risk of cancer. Although these products were not pulled off shelves, they were advised to stop making false claims or prove their claims with scientific research proving that these products undoubtedly carry out the actions they claim to do. That’s just to show you that you can’t and shouldn’t believe everything you see. False advertising is also found widely in the food industry. There are many food companies that advertise their products on TV via commercials, such as Burger King, Quiznos, McDonald’s, and even supermarkets. These companies want you to visit their establishment by pulling you in with advertisements of their delicious products such as juicy burgers or bright red strawberries. The products look so good on TV, but when you arrive at the establishment and place your order, you receive something that doesn’t look as good as it did on TV. These companies falsely advertise what their products look like to draw you in so they can make money. If you have ever seen a Quiznos commercial, their sandwiches are advertised with an abundant amount of meat and vegetables, but when you go to purchase one, they are nothing close to what was advertised. The foods in the advertisements you see are not exactly edible. The agencies that are hired to create these products use cosmetic chemicals to enhance colors so the products appear to be fresh. They do this so they can boost its virtual appeal, concluding the point of not everything you see in advertising is necessarily true. Consumers are greatly affected by these deceptions. People who purchase a product and later realize that they did not receive what they thought they were paying for are dissatisfied. Dissatisfaction will eventually lead consumers to never purchase that product again, which will cause sales to drop for that company. By word of mouth, internet, and other means of communication these companies’ profits will plunge due to consumer discontent. Also, if companies are falsely advertising and fail to mention a certain aspect of their product to consumers and that consumer happens to be allergic to that certain aspect of the product, it may lead to a potential lawsuit. For example, the food label known as Spikes all purpose food seasoning declared their product had â€Å"no MSG added. †Further reading of the ingredients in this product, it contained hydrolyzed protein. This protein contains MSG; therefore this food label was false and misleading. Anyone who is allergic to MSG that consumes this product will get violently ill. Due to the lack of information the company failed to mention on the label, there is no way a consumer would have known the product contained MSG. To avoid situations like these, companies must be clear in stating every ingredient in their product. Not only in food products, but companies must also be sure to include every feature of their merchandise, so no one is being mislead.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Novel American Pastoral By Philip Roth - 1679 Words
A novelist incorporates three crucial elements when writing a novel. The first element is the ability for the author to draw from his or her own experiences. A novelist will paint an issue, usually political or social, on the canvas of the pages in the book. He or she draw from experiences, what they remember from the event taking place, locations, dates, and use a splash of fiction to blend the perfect color for the novel. The author will mainly stick to the color-coated facts to give the reader an authentic feel for the story, but gracefully integrates fiction to in essence portray the spin to the truth they desire. A novel is also driven by the desire to understand others, often in a sympathetic light. And last, but not least,†¦show more content†¦Roth uses Nathan to reincarnate the protagonist in the novel, Seymour â€Å"Swede†Levov, as Swede’s life is retold through the accounts of Zuckerman. The story of Swede’s life in the novel is translucent. It is only semi-clear in nature as the narrator gathers the preponderance of information second-hand through the tales from characters that knew Swede. Much of the minutiae of Swede’s life were a reconstruction of the character through the imagination of how it would have occurred in Zuckerman’s head. Nathan Zuckerman had an indescribable fascination for Swede from the very conception of the novel. He was his hero, idol, and a hometown legend. Nathan grew up in the Jewish community with Swede in Newark, New Jersey. Swede was someone to look up to for Nathan and many others. He was referred to as Swede because even though he was Jewish, he was graced with superior athletic ability and physical attributes, being tall, with blonde hair and blue eyes. â€Å"The Unjewish Jew.†He escaped the â€Å"bind†of the Jewish community with these attributes, and was admired by Nathan for it. Nathan had more exposure to his hero through befriending his brother, Jerry Levov. Jerry was radically different than the Swede as Nathan recounts. He had a fiery side, unlike his cool, calm, and collected brother. Nathan was one if not the only friend to Jerry in high school. â€Å"I would have not otherwise have played in Jerry Levov’s basement. If it weren’t for th e opportunity to tell
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